Top Rated Auto Transport Companies in Killeen, TX
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- Freedom Auto Transport is the #1 auto transport company in Killeen, TX with a fabulous rating based on 3850+ data points.
- State To State Moving and Auto Transport is the #2 auto transport company in Killeen, TX with a fabulous rating based on 900+ data points.
- Austin Car Transport is the #3 auto transport company in Killeen, TX with a fabulous rating.

Killeen Auto Transport
Looking for quality car transport to or from Killeen? Caravan Auto Transport is here to help you with all your auto shipping needs via free quotes!
Nestled between Austin to the south and DFW to the north, the City of Killeen is a family-friendly city in the heart of Texas. It’s also home to Fort Hood, one of the biggest military bases in the United States, which contributes to the city’s booming economy. Named after a Railroad employee, Killeen has a deep history in the railroad industry. These days, it’s not only a fine city to call home but one of the Top 5 places to live in Texas. That is quite a claim, but Killeen easily earns the spot with its mouthwatering food (particularly barbecue), tons of entertainment, and a wide range of outdoor recreational activities. Plus, it provides convenient access to two major metropolitan areas – the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and Austin metro area – for fun day trips and commuting. From military personnel to young singles to established families, Killeen is a great community to hang your hat!
As the principal city of the Killeen-Temple-Fort Hood metro area, the City of Killeen has a population approaching 150,000 that covers nearly 56 square miles of Texas land. Taking into account the dismal walk and public transit scores, it’s easy to understand why the city is highly car-dependent. If you need to have your SUV, truck, crossover, exotic or other vehicle delivered to or from Killeen or Fort Hood, Caravan Auto Transport is the top choice! We make it easy to compare, select, and save on the best auto shipping services in your region. Our car transport partners are fully vetted and experienced, ensuring a smooth experience to your new home. Simply request your free estimates and enjoy big savings today!